As Enraptured Odyssey, we have self-funded and produced two web-series of our own and as it currently stands have more in various stages of development. We are very passionate about exploring digital and short-form storytelling as much as we are more traditional and longer-format options.

Pride and Petty, 2018.

Premise: A 12-part web-comedy series following the antics of a toxic broken-up couple who can’t get over each other.

Starring: Kibare wa Njuguna, Nikiwe Buhlalu, Sharon Githinji and Kevin J. King

Executively Produced: Kibare wa Njuguna and Yalezo Njuguna

Writers: Yalezo Njuguna, Kibare wa Njuguna and Tsitsi Chiumya.

Directors; Yalezo Njuguna and Reeza Thomas.

Shot and Edited: Simbai Kanjere and Yalezo Njuguna

The Unmanly Men Association, 2018.

Premise: A 6-part comedy following a support group for men who share their struggles in being manly within traditional stereotypes.

Starring: Kibare wa Njuguna, Kevin J, King, Lee Morris, Youri Mukuna and Byron Naidoo

Executively Produced: Kibare wa Njuguna and Yalezo Njuguna

Writers: Kibare wa Njuguna, Yalezo Njuguna and Panch Gasela

Directors: Yalezo Njuguna

Shot and Edited: Simbai Kanjere and Yalezo Njuguna